
Disney plant weitere "Star Wars"-Filme parallel zu Episode 7-9 (Update II)

Disney-Chef Bob Iger hat jetzt gegenüber dem Business-Sender CNBC bestätigt, dass neben der Fortsetzung der Star Wars-Saga auch weitere Einzelfilme geplant sind, die sich um einzelne Figuren aus dem "Star Wars"-Universum drehen sollen. Diese sollen parallel zu den Dreharbeiten von Episode 7, 8 und 9 über einen Zeitraum von voraussichtlich sechs Jahren ab 2015 entstehen. Details zu den Inhalten der Spin Off-Filme wurde nicht genannt. "Aint it Cool News" will erfahren haben, dass sich der erste Film voraussichtlich um Yoda drehen soll. Für die Regie von Episode 7 wurde kürzlich J.J. Abrams verpflichtet.

Bob Iger auf CNBC:

I can confirm to you today that in fact we are working on a few standalone films. Larry Kasdan and Simon Kinberg are both working on films derived from great Star Wars characters that are not part of the overall saga. So we still plan to make Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 roughly over a six-year period of time, starting in 2015. But there are going to be a few other films released in that period of time, too.

Update: Inzwischen gibt zu den Spin-Off-Filmen auch eine Ankündigung auf

The Star Wars cinematic galaxy is about to experience a Big Bang. Lucasfilm is officially announcing new spinoff films that will expand the mythos and depths of the Star Wars universe in previously unexplored ways.

One of the standalone films will be written by Lawrence Kasdan, screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and co-writer of Return of the Jedi while the other will be penned by Simon Kinberg, writer of Sherlock Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The movies will be separate from the upcoming Episodes VII, VIII, and IX, on which Kasdan and Kinberg are also consulting, and are expected to be released sometime after Episode VII. Each standalone film will focus on a specific character, and two spinoff films are currently confirmed.


In a call to investors, Bob Iger, chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, revealed while the original focus was on the highly-anticipated sequel trilogy, the idea of spinoff films was bandied about early and the additional films are now becoming a reality. "We are in development of a few standalone films," he said, "that are not part of the Star Wars saga...there are now creative entities working on developing scripts for what would be those standalone films."

Update II: Die Gerüchteküche brodelt zwischenzeitlich munter weiter: So will jetzt Entertainment Weekly von beteiligten Personen erfahren haben, dass es sogar bereits Überlegungen zu zwei Spin-Offs geben soll, die sich mit dem jungen Han Solo und dem Kopfgeld-Jäger Boba Fett befassen.


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